Children come straight into school from 8.45 and go directly to their classrooms. The register is taken promptly at 9.00.
If your child is absent from school, please telephone the school office to explain the reason for the absence. Where the school does not receive notification, the office will call home to ask why the child is not in school. If no information is provided then the absence is recorded as unauthorised. The amount of absence for each child is recorded on the annual report in the summer term.
Camden Education Welfare Service monitor the school's attendance and work in partnership with the school.
No holidays will be authorised during term time. Holidays are to be taken out of school term time. All unauthorised holidays or prolonged absence will be referred to the Education Welfare Service and parents will be subject to a fine.
Authorisation will only ever be given for leave during term time in exceptional circumstances. Parents must apply in writing to the Headteacher with their request. If leave is authorised and parents do not return on the date given, you must understand that your child may lose their place and be taken off the school roll.
We use this motto to remind us to be in school because we know that the more we are in school, the more we can succeed!
Each week the classes with the best attendance and best punctuality receive the Attendance Bear and Early Bird.