St Alban’s is a school that has pupils with a wide range of learning, emotional and physical needs. We aim to be fully inclusive at all times, always striving to ensure the best provision and support for each child in our care.
This was validated by our most recent OFSTED inspection in July 2024.
'The school swiftly identifies any special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) that pupils may have when they join the school. Following this early identification, the school puts appropriate help in place to support pupils with SEND effectively. This includes working with outside agencies to make sure that pupils’ needs are accurately identified and planned for. Additionally, learning activities and tasks for pupils with SEND are broken down into smaller chunks when needed. This helps pupils with SEND to access the same learning as their peers.'
Camden Local Authority publishes on its website a Camden Local Offer – setting out a wide range of information about specialist services, schools, colleges and organisations that can provide support and information for families of children and young people with SEND. It explains the procedures for requesting an assessment for an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) – which is replacing the SEN statement. You will also find information about:
The link for the Camden Local Offer website is available below.
The school SEND policy explains what we provide for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEN/D). It explains, in one place, how we support them and help them transition to the next stage of their education.
The purpose of our policy is to inform parents and carers about:
We are a learning community and believe that it is important to work with other schools to make sure that our knowledge, expertise and skills on SEN/D issues are up to date. As an outstanding school it is also our responsibility to promote improvement across the wider system and so we share and discuss what is considered to be our best practice with other schools: for example, we host workshops and forums about Downs syndrome education and run training in leading effective inclusive schools for senior leaders of schools in Camden and beyond.
Our SENDCO attends the Local Authority SENDCO forum which keeps all schools up to date with national developments and local projects on inclusion. We are also part of the Camden SEND Learning Hub.
Our teachers and teaching assistants are given opportunities to observe other colleagues and discuss good practice on how to enhance children’s learning as individuals or in groups (this occurs in school and visiting other schools).
All members of staff can be contacted by email through the school office:
Some children may have learning, physical, emotional/behavioural or special needs which require special support or provision over the long or short term. Their needs are identified and assessed according to the national code of practice and help is provided in school or sometimes from outside agencies for those who need it.
If you would like to contact the SEND/Co Jayne Andrews, please email
Do you need additional support or advice regarding SEN/D for your child?
You can contact Camden local authority at
Highgate Newtown Community Centre,
25 Bertram street,
London, N19 5DQ
020 7974 6264
We contribute to the Camden local authority SEN/D local offer. Please follow this link to the offer.