Please find below the information about the range of clubs and activities that we offer here at St Alban's school. Should you wish to find out more information, please do contact Nancy in the school office OR 0207 242 8585
We are very proud of our extended school provision (after school) which we are able to offer four days a week.
The clubs we offer vary from term to term and are a response very often to the children’s requests.
Clubs are open to children from Reception to Year 6 and we aim to ensure every child can attend at least one club a week.
Clubs run from 3.30pm-4.30pm and is available to all pupils from Reception to Year 6.
For parents wishing to have longer childcare after school (3.30-6pm), then provision can be found at Coram's Fields. Please contact Kate Gardner:
93 Guilford Street, London WC1N 1DN
020 7837 6138
BREAKFAST CLUB - 8:00-8:45 in the school hall, Monday - Friday, for children in Reception - Year 6. Please arrive before 8:15 am.
AFTERSCHOOL CLUBS - Offered to children in Reception - Year 6 from Monday - Thursday from 3:30 - 4:30. These include sports clubs, dance, forest school, computing, arts and crafts, creative clubs, drama, cooking, languages and many more.
YOUTH CLUB - Children in Year 6 and 7 are encouraged to join Youth Club which meets every Friday from 3:30 - 5:15 pm at the St. Alban's Centre. Children have the opportunity to play air hockey, table tennis, listen to music and have fun together.
TRIPS - At least every half term, each class goes on a trip related to topics they are learning in school. We also encourage visitors in school to support delivery of our broad and balanced curriculum.
MORNING CLUBS - We offer free morning sports clubs to all children from Year 2 to Year 6 from 8:00-8:45 taught by a specialist sports coach. Please arrive by 8:15 am.
CHOIR - Our choir meets weekly. We learn a variety of songs and we perform at the Camden Music Festival at the Royal Albert Hall each March. We also perform Christmas carols in Leather Lane and other local community venues to raise money for our school charity 'Street Child'.
MUSIC EVENTS - We offer cello, recorder, violin and piano lessons at St. Alban's as well as orchestra. We perform in many concerts and events in Camden, including performing biannually at the Royal Albert Hall.
RESIDENTIALS - St Alban's values the unique life experiences that children gain from residential trips. At St. Alban's we offer the following:
Year 5 - A 5 day residential to Outward Bound in the Lake District.
Year 6 - A 2 day residential to Sayers Croft and a week of London activities to explore our beautiful city!