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Prospective Parent Information

Some key facts and stats about our school!!


St Alban’s Church of England Primary School

Baldwin’s Gardens





St Alban's has a long and great tradition of serving, and being an important part of, the local community. Whilst many of our children live in the local area, we have many children who come into our school from far and wide (including children whose parents are studying at Goodenough College).

We warmly welcome, and strongly encourage, parents to visit our school before making a decision.  We offer regular school tours, which parents can book onto by emailing Rujina at  Alternatively, we are happy to organise a visit during the school day, so that parents can see our school in action!  To give you a taster of life at St Alban's, please do take a look at the SCHOOL VIDEO located at the bottom of the home page.

To help you make an informed decision, please find below some key details about our school.

Our Curriculum

It is our belief that every child can achieve personal excellence. Our task is to ensure they all do. All children are individuals and our teaching acknowledges this by including class work, small group work, individual work and independent study.

We deliver a broad and balanced curriculum, which is designed for pupils to know more and remember more.  It also promotes important spiritual, moral, social and cultural beliefs. In essence, we aim to prepare all pupils to be well-balanced citizens who live in an ever changing and demanding world with high aspirations for themselves and others.

Our curriculum was developed to ensure that by the time all children leave St. Alban's they will have had the opportunity to experience:

  • playing an instrument
  • participating in a choir and orchestra
  • performing in a production
  • compose a piece of music
  • create the backdrop and props for productions 
  • using a passport and travelling to another country
  • experience boating, mountain and forest activities
  • visit museums and national monuments 
  • play competitive sport
  • experience the world of work 
  • be a leader 
  • meet a professional athlete 
  • visit the seaside 
  • compose and deliver a speech as an ambassador for change in the world 
  • to know that they have a unique voice in this world

Our curriculum is accessible for children with disabilities or SEND and is in compliance with the Equality Act 2010 and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014.

We follow the most current National Curriculum (2014).

The curriculum at St Alban’s CE Primary School has been designed to ensure that children receive their curricular entitlement in a way which is meaningful to their:

  • context;
  • stage of learning;
  • capabilities; and
  • interests.

We have an agreed pedagogy for curriculum construction and design.
Each half term we have a whole school topic. In the Autumn term children learn about 'My Identity' and 'My Heritage', in the Spring term children learn about 'Our Community- Past' and 'Our Community Present' and in the Summer Term they learn about 'Our World- Global' and 'Our World - Environmental'.

EYFS and KS1 use the Read, Write Inc. phonics scheme of work. We teach phonics and early reading in a highly organised way in small groups. The children are regularly assessed and the programme ensures that children make consistent progress and enjoy reading confidently. Interventions are readily put in place for those children that need extra support.

Additional information on the curriculum can be found in the curriculum tab on the main website page.

After School clubs, provision and Enrichment Activities

We are very proud of our extended school provision (after school) which we are able to offer four days a week.

The clubs we offer vary from term to term and are a response very often to the children’s requests. 

Clubs are open to children from Reception to Year 6 and we aim to ensure every child can attend at least one club a week.

Clubs run from 3.30pm-4.30pm and is available to all pupils from Reception to Year 6.


For parents wishing to have longer childcare after school (3.30-6pm), then provision can be found at Coram's Fields.  Please contact Kate Gardner:

93 Guilford Street, London WC1N 1DN

020 7837 6138

At St. Alban's we offer the following clubs and extra curricular activities:

BREAKFAST CLUB - 8:00-8:45 in the school hall, Monday - Friday, for children in Reception - Year 6. Please arrive before 8:15 am. 

AFTERSCHOOL CLUBS - Offered to children in Reception - Year 6 from Monday - Thursday from 3:30 - 4:30. These include sports clubs, dance, forest school, computing, arts and crafts, creative clubs, drama, cooking, chess and many more.

YOUTH CLUB - Children in Year 6 and 7 are encouraged to join Youth Club which meets every Friday from 3:30 - 5:15 pm at the St. Alban's Centre.  Children have the opportunity to play air hockey, table tennis, listen to music and have fun together. 

TRIPS - At least every half term, each class goes on a trip related to topics they are learning in school. We also encourage visitors in school to support delivery of our broad and balanced curriculum. 

MORNING CLUBS - We offer free morning sports clubs to all children from Year 2 to Year 6 from 8:00-8:45 taught by a specialist sports coach. Please arrive by 8:15 am. 

  • Monday - football
  • Tuesday - tennis
  • Wednesday - cricket
  • Thursday - football
  • Friday -  basketball

CHOIR - Our choir meets weekly. We learn a variety of songs and we perform at the Camden Music Festival at the Royal Albert Hall bi-annually. We also perform Christmas carols in Leather Lane and other local community venues to raise money for our school charity 'Street Child'.

MUSIC EVENTS - We offer cello, recorder, violin and piano lessons at St. Alban's as well as orchestra. We perform in many concerts and events in Camden, including performing biannually at the Royal Albert Hall.

RESIDENTIALS - St Alban's values the unique life experiences that children gain from residential trips. At St. Alban's we offer the following:

Year 5 - A 5 day residential to Outward Bound in the Lake District.

Year 6 - A 2 day residential to Sayers Croft and a week of London activities to explore our beautiful city! 

If you have decided that St Alban's is the school for you and your child, please contact Rujina in the school office on 0207 242 8585 OR You can also find details regarding admissions criteria under the 'Our School' tab, 'Admissions'.  We look forward to you joining the St Alban's family!

Please click on the hyperlinks below to find out further information about key aspects of the school

Welcome to Reception